MSSQL JDBC Driver Download Free


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August 16th, 2024


August 16th, 2024







MSSQL JDBC Driver Download Free

SuperCHANNEL and the MSSQL JDBC Driver

SuperCHANNEL can connect directly to Microsoft SQL Server databases using either its official driver, jTDS, or an open-source JDBC driver.

The jTDS driver allows for connectivity using Windows authentication while Microsoft SQL Server uses operating system authentication for ease of maintenance of database access credentials.


Use the driver’s encryption capabilities to protect sensitive data in transit and at rest by using ODBC and JDBC connections, while supporting industry standard protocols like LDAP, Kerberos, and NTLM.

If set to true, the driver validates certificates sent by database servers when SSL encryption is enabled (EncryptionMethod=SSL), helping prevent man-in-the-middle attacks that intercept and modify SQL commands sent to the database server. Otherwise, any trust store information provided in TrustStore and TrustStorePassword properties or Java system properties is ignored by default.

In some languages, database character encoding might differ from that used to describe output parameters in stored procedures. To address this discrepancy, set your XMLDescribeType connection property to “longvarbinary”, which forces drivers to send String stored procedure output parameters as Unicode instead of as a nvarchar (4000 characters).

The UseServerSideUpdatableCursors connection property lets you select whether INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are automatically updated when the cursor is positioned over rows in a scroll-sensitive result set. Setting this property to true can improve performance when accessing large tables.


JDBC drivers parse and optimize SQL statements before running them against databases to reduce network roundtrips to the database server, improving performance significantly with larger databases where parsing and optimization processes may take some time to complete. This benefit can especially be observed for transactions generating many records simultaneously.

Retrieving large data across networks can be extremely expensive, so when designing applications to retrieve long data it is critical that only what is required is returned. Alternative methods such as using text/image fields should be explored when retrieving lengthy content (ie TEXT/IMAGE field).

JDBC drivers often include features to optimize performance at the cost of functionality, for instance allowing an application to set a parameter that causes them to cache column metadata for reused SELECT statements, potentially decreasing network roundtrips needed each time one of those statements is used again.

Insensitive cursors reduce roundtrips to the database by enabling applications to easily browse backward and forwards through results without making another request of the database for new rows. Unfortunately, their initial request can be very slow if data in the result set is long; to minimize this initial request timeframe an application can use fetchSize or driver-specific setFetchSize parameters to regulate how large a result set will be returned from any query.


The database driver offers several scalability features to improve performance and scalability, including connection pooling, query optimization, and data caching. Depending on its implementation, these features may help boost performance by decreasing network communications with SQL servers.

By default, each thread receives its connection to the SQL backend to avoid problems caused by multiple components accessing a single connection object (which may not be thread-safe). This feature may be disabled if your application is designed solely as single-threaded and all SQL operations occur in one transaction.

With a PreparedStatement object, JDBC drivers make two network requests to their database to prepare and execute it respectively. However, using the addBatch method reduces this number significantly by batch-preparing and -executing SQL statements at once; typically this results in reduced latency but requires slightly more CPU resources on their server.

Consider decreasing the column count in your data frame to decrease how much data must be transferred across the JDBC layer. Convert long types to other metadata types or store null values in boolean fields; finally use the BULK INSERT SQL command instead of JDBC for large amounts of data insertions – it may be more efficient.


Retrieving long data across a network can be an application’s main performance bottleneck. Application developers can maximize system performance by using fewer database metadata methods that require long data retrieval from drivers such as getColumns or getTableMetadata methods.

When these methods are employed, the driver must send each result row back to the application if its column type was unknown at query time. This process can be costly for queries that return large volumes of results; to maximize performance, applications should retrieve table column information from ResultSet metadata instead.

The describeIfString connection property allows the driver to determine at run-time, using database data types as guidance, how best to send String parameter values based on execute time execution. This enhances performance while preventing unexpected locking problems caused by mismatches between data type types.

The XMLDescribeType connection property allows drivers to map XML data types onto JDBC LONGVARCHAR or LONGVARBINARY data types for efficient query performance. Based on its value, results set elements containing XML are either returned as character data, or binary data depending on this property value – further improving performance by decreasing character transference between the database and result set. Please note: this property only supports databases supporting XML types as data.

How to Download MSSQL JDBC Driver?

To download the latest version of MSSQL JDBC Driver. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Locate the download link URL on this page.
  2. Click to begin the process of download.
  3. Your download will start automatically after a few seconds.
  4. Wait until the download is complete.

Process of Installation

So, after downloading the MSSQL JDBC Driver. Follow these steps to install the MSSQL JDBC Driver on your OS.

  1. Find the downloaded MSSQL JDBC Driver on your download history.
  2. Run the MSSQL JDBC Driver installer.
  3. Continue the setup.
  4. Fill up the requirements.
  5. Click on the finish button to complete the setup.
  6. Now, reboot the system OS to complete the installation process.


So, thank you for downloading the MSSQL JDBC Driver on your OS from here. We shared the official MSSQL JDBC Driver to download free on Windows for free.

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